Gnn 1.1

GNN 1.1 Why Graphs

Many Types of Data are Graphs

  • Knowledge Graphs
  • Regulatory Networks
  • Scene Graphs
  • Code Graphs
  • Molecules
  • 3D shapes


  • Information / Knowledge
  • Software
  • Similarity networks
  • Relational structures


  • Traditional methods: Graphlets , Graph Kernels
  • Methods for node embeddings : DeepWalk , Node2Vec
  • Graph Neural Networks: GCN , GraphSAGE , GAT ,Theory of GNNs
  • Knowledge graphs and reasoning : TransE , BetaE
  • Deep generative models for graphs
  • Applications to Biomedicine , Science , Industry

Applications of Graph ML

Classic Graph ML task

  • Node classification
  • Link Prediction
  • Graph classification
  • Clustering
  • Graph generation
  • Graph evolution

Choice of Graph Representation

Components of a Network

  • ObjectS: nodes , vertices N
  • Interactions: links , edges E
  • System: network , graph G(N,E)


How do you define your graph

Directed vs. Undirected Graphs

GNN Optimization of microwave extraction conditions of astragalus saponins by genetic neural network and genetic algorithm / 中草药